First of — I’d just like to point out how much I love this cover! The colours are scrummy and it stands out as havÂing had a proper designer/illustrator workÂing on it comÂpared to a lot of book covÂers I see. It really capÂtures the fun, magÂiÂcal, impÂish feel to the book. I’d pick it up in a bookÂstore in a heartbeat.
KatherÂine Ann StephenÂson has just disÂcovÂered that she’s inherÂited her mother’s magÂiÂcal talÂents, and despite Stepmama’s stern objecÂtions, she’s deterÂmined to learn how to use them. But with her eldest sisÂter Elissa’s intended fiancé, the sinÂisÂter Sir Neville, showÂing a danÂgerÂous interÂest in Kat’s magÂiÂcal potenÂtial; her other sisÂter, AngeÂline, wreakÂing romanÂtic havoc with her own witchÂcraft; and a highÂwayÂman lurkÂing in the forÂest, even Kat’s reckÂless heroÂism will be tested to the upmost. If she can learn to conÂtrol her new powÂers, will Kat be able to resÂcue her famÂily and win her sisÂters their true love?
Despite being a book aimed at a younger audiÂence than I would norÂmally read, I really enjoyed Kat, IncorÂriÂgiÂble. I can defÂiÂnitely see hints of Jane Austen, or rather, Pride and PrejÂuÂdice, throughÂout — and being a Jane Austen fan, I did love BurÂgis’ unique spin on some beloved characters.
Elissa, Kat’s eldest sisÂter, and her husband-to-be, are, withÂout a doubt, based on Jane and Mr BinÂgÂley — both are utterly good-natured, sweet-tempered and well-mannered (and in the case of Mr CollingÂwood — slightly foolÂish — his ridicuÂlous plan to win over Elissa made me facepalm and laugh at the same time). AngeÂline, the midÂdle sisÂter, has cerÂtainly got a bit of ElizÂaÂbeth Bennet’s indeÂpenÂdence, intelÂliÂgence and fire about her, and I just loved FredÂerÂick. The teasÂing nature and fiery looks between these two was perÂfect withÂout being out-of-place for a younger reader’s book. Kat is entirely herÂself. We first meet her sneakÂing out in the midÂdle of the night, hair cropped short, dressed as a boy. NatÂuÂrally. I did this all the time when I was 12. Throw in a bossy, slightly terÂriÂfyÂing (but well-meaning), stepÂmother, intent on marÂryÂing her stepÂdaughÂters off to the most eliÂgiÂble bachÂeÂlors around (remind you of anyÂone?), an absenÂtee father and hopeÂless gamÂbler of a brother and you have one endearÂingly familÂiar, if eccenÂtric, family.
Younger readÂers will be drawn to Kat, who is very much a modern-day heroÂine, albeit in a regency gown (or… not as the case may be!) She’s a stubÂborn litÂtle thing and her almost world-weary indigÂnaÂtion at havÂing to sort out her famÂily time and again (as she sees it), comÂbined with her naivety at what was actuÂally going on most of the time, was amusÂing. Older readÂers will find her loyÂalty, fierce deterÂmiÂnaÂtion and unforÂtuÂnate habit of getÂting into trouÂble at equal times exasÂperÂatÂing and bewitchÂing. I had to laugh at her disÂgust over not being ambushed by a highÂwayÂman on way to a party!
The plot is utterly ranÂdom and proÂgresÂsively more absurd as it goes on, you have a ditzy witch of a mother, three bickÂerÂing sisÂters, one deterÂmined stepÂmother, backÂfirÂing love spells, a porÂtal mirÂror, a secret Order, creepy suitÂors, disÂtrustÂful Guardians, a magÂiÂcal teapot, kidÂnapÂping, advenÂtures and the odd highÂwayÂman or two. Kat, IncorÂriÂgiÂble is comÂpletely ridicuÂlous, a bizarre mixÂture of regency and magic and utterly charmÂing. I would have liked to have known more about the Order, who the Guardians are and what they do. What makes them difÂferÂent from witches and why do they disÂlike comÂmon magic? I wanted to see Kat learn more about her own powÂers and get to use them, and get to know some of the charÂacÂters betÂter; but the tone and pacÂing feels about right for its intended audience.
Kat, IncorÂriÂgiÂble is an enjoyÂable, witty story that made me smile — perÂfect for those lookÂing for an enterÂtainÂing, and light read. I think younger readÂers will espeÂcially love it. Kat is an easy heroÂine to love and BurÂgis really capÂtured the relaÂtionÂship between the sisÂters. I was drawn more to AngeÂline than Kat, and thorÂoughly enjoyed watchÂing her disÂdain over FredÂerÂick as a bumÂbling fool in the grip of a powÂerÂful love spell turn to jealÂously, once he turns back to his charmÂing rake-self and proÂceeds to flirt with everyÂone else just to rile her up. As an older reader I’ll admit I wasn’t quite satÂisÂfied — I craved more inforÂmaÂtion and wished Kat would actuÂally lisÂten and take the time to find out what the Order was about, rather than just assumÂing she knew best — but I guess that’s what makes her so incorÂriÂgiÂble! And despite my linÂgerÂing quesÂtions, it never spoilt my enjoyÂment of what was a fun, engagÂing story. LuckÂily, this is only the first in a series, as my curiosÂity is piqued and I can’t wait to get back to this charmÂing (and insane) group of charÂacÂters and see more magic and mayÂhem from the StephenÂson family!