
Book Review: Arcadia Awakens by Kai Meyer 

By  Turn The Page

Arca­dia Awak­ens, with its unusual plot and rich set­ting, promised to be a bit more cre­ative than a lot of the para­nor­mal YA cir­cu­lat­ing at the moment. In the end, how­ever, it didn’t quite work for me.

I found the writ­ing quite clunky. Whether it’s Meyer’s style of writ­ing or a con­se­quence of the trans­la­tion I don’t know, (Arca­dia Awak­ens was orig­i­nally writ­ten in Ger­man), but sen­tences didn’t flow as well as they could have and the dia­logue felt stilted and awk­ward. I also didn’t feel the char­ac­ters reacted con­vinc­ingly to the often bizarre things that were going on around them. And while I love Greek mythol­ogy, the whole snake/cat romance just didn’t work for me here. A shame, as I could have really got­ten into a Romeo and Juliet-type romance with a mafia set­ting and some shapeshifters thrown in.

Many thanks to Tem­plar for pro­vid­ing a copy for review.